KUHADA Digital Agency.

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500+ web projekata!

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Naš web dizajn tim izrađuje web stranice za tvrtke i projekte svih veličina. S ciljem zarobljavanja pogleda i srca posjetitelja, ali i "svemogućeg" nam Google-a.
U tvrtki KUHADA već 15 godina radimo web dizajn, usluge izrade web stranica i s pravom i potvrdom naših klijenata možemo se smatrati profesionalcima u ovom nimalo jednostavnom poslu. Prosječna ocjena nam je na više servisa 5.0
Naš web dizajn tim izrađuje web stranice za tvrtke i projekte svih veličina. S ciljem zarobljavanja pogleda i srca posjetitelja, ali i "svemogućeg" nam Google-a.

U tvrtki KUHADA već 15 godina radimo web dizajn, usluge izrade web stranica i s pravom i potvrdom naših klijenata možemo se smatrati profesionalcima u ovom nimalo jednostavnom poslu.

Prosječna ocjena nam je na više servisa 5.0
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Postoji razlika između: imam web stranicu i :imam web stranica koja daje rezultate.


Kvalitetna prezentacija na internetu nije pitanje prestiža, nego potreba svake tvrtke, obrta ili institucije - kvalitetna internet stranica uz svoje poslovne funkcije, prezentacije poslovanja usluga i /ili proizvoda, te imidža tvrtke, sigurno je i najdjelotvorniji i najjeftiniji oglas!

Nekada je bilo dovoljno imati web stranicu, pa je postalo značajno pojaviti se na Googlu, danas se npr. mjere stupnjevi konverzije posjetitelja u klijente (CR) i povratak investiranoga (ROI)...

Web stranice su postale vrlo sofisticirani alati i nimalo trivijalne, razlog je naravno sve veća konkurencija ponude roba i usluga na internetu i svaka sitnica u toj "borbi" za tržište je presudna.


Dizajnerski atraktivne i pouzdane web stranice po pristupačnim cijenama by KUHADA.
Pomogli smo i pomažemo brojnim našim klijentima u nadmetanju s konkurencijom na Internetu. Izradili smo preko 500 web projekata.
Zatražite ponudu za izradu web projekta, biti ćemo vam vjeran web partner.

  • Današnja web stranica je mnogo više od lijepog izgleda, "celofan" nije dovoljan.
  • Imati web stranicu koja funkcionira znači imati web stranicu koja se prilagođava vašem poslovanju kako biste povećali svoj doseg i vjerodostojnost.
  • Predani smo promjenama u digitalnom krajoliku i besprijekorno se prilagođavamo promjenjivim očekivanjima ljudi.


Izrada web stranice nije tako komplicirana kako se na prvi pogled čini.
Najkompliciraniji dio je odabrati pravog partnera koji će vam pomoći od prvih koraka SAVJETOVANJA i strategije do MARKETINGA u prodaji i neograničeno vremena nakon izrade.
Proces izrade web stranice:

  • Pitanja i savjetovanje, primjeri iz prakse, vaše želje i mogućnosti
  • Izrada jedinstvene, besplatne ponude, po želji i Ugovor
  • Odabir naziva domene, i registracija domene, savjeti u vezi hostinga
  • Grafički i funkcionalni dizajn, UX (logo, dizajn webstranice)
  • Implementacija (podešavanje tehničkih funkcionalnosti)
  • Optimizacija za tražilice (SEO)
  • Spajanja na servise: Google Tag manager, Google Analytics i Search Console
  • Primopredaja i puštanje u rad webstranice, obuka
  • Marketinško savjetovanje i kreiranje kampanja
  • Rad web stranice, praćenje rada
  • Održavanje i ažuriranje web stranice

Web s utiskom.
Uz WordPress.

Od jednostavnih web stranica do složenih portala, spremni smo učiniti sve. Budući da smo iskusna agencija za razvoj web stranica uz CMS WordPress, naša su rješenja prilagođena svim poslovnim modelima i veličinama tvrtki.

  • S neograničenim mogućnostima WordPressa radimo web projekte po vašim željama.
  • Web stranica mora podržati vaše poslovanje i pomagati u ostvarenju ciljeva.
  • Nemoguće je postići optimalnu marketinšku izvedbu bez funkcionalne web stranice.

Od sadržaja do prezentacije.

S neograničenim mogućnostima razvoja WordPressa dolazi sloboda izgradnje bilo čega.

  • To je zato što web stranica treba činiti više od lijepog izgleda.
  • Imati web stranicu koja funkcionira znači imati web stranicu koja se prilagođava vašem poslovanju kako biste povećali svoj doseg i vjerodostojnost.
  • To također znači predanost promjenama s digitalnim krajolikom i besprijekorno prilagođavanje promjenjivim očekivanjima ljudi.

Idemo zajedno u vaš novi web projekt.

Više od 10 godina gradili smo WordPress web stranice optimizirane za postizanje uspjeha na mreži. Naši WP stručnjaci koriste provjerene tehnike za poboljšanje rangiranja vaše web stranice, privlačenje prometa na vašu web stranicu i povećanje prodaje kvalificiranih potencijalnih kupaca.

  • Naši WordPress programeri idu daleko dalje od osnovnog maksimiziranja svih ključnih značajki čineći vašu web stranicu partnerom za vaš neobuzdani rast.
  • Naše godine iskustva u profesionalnom dizajnu i razvoju WordPressa omogućuju nam da isporučimo web stranicu koja stvara profitabilne rezultate za vaše poslovanje.


"Mi ne gradimo samo web stranice, mi gradimo vaše uspješne online poslove!
We don’t build just websites, we build successful online businesses!"

Radimo web projekte prilagođene klijentovim potrebama:
- Naši klijenti su tvrtke, obrtnici, OPG-ovi, udruge, klubovi, savezi, stranke, bolnice, restorani, hoteli, ordinacije, poliklinike, odvjetnici...
- Naši klijenti se nalaze širom Hrvatske, ali i širom svijeta (Austrija, Njemačka, Nizozemska, Danska, Švedska, Norveška, Australija, NZ, SAD...)
- Izrađujemo web stranice svih tipova, namjena i cjenovnih razreda, prilagođavamo se mogućnostima i željama klijenta.
- Besplatno savjetujemo kako je unaprjeđivati i kako da iz svoje web stranice izvlačite maksimalnu korisnost, radimo i naplatnu edukaciju.

NAJNOVIJA TEHNOLOGIJA. Da biste ostvarili veću prodaju, vaša se web stranica prvo mora pronaći na mreži. Zatim, vaš web dizajn mora biti privlačan i prikazati sve informacije koje su potrebne vašim potencijalnim kupcima. Mora imati intuitivnu navigaciju i pružati najbolje iskustvo pregledavanja.

Očima stručnjaka za WordPress, sve što bi vaša poslovna web-lokacija trebala biti apsolutno je moguće i lako se razvija uz pomoć WordPress dizajnerskih usluga.

Vaša je web stranica središte svih vaših mrežnih marketinških nastojanja. Iz tog razloga svakom projektu pristupamo strateški, koristeći vaše poslovne ciljeve i ciljno tržište kao naš vodič. Ovu strategiju koristimo za stvaranje informiranih dizajna koji ulijevaju povjerenje vašoj robnoj marki, angažiraju vašu ciljanu publiku i u konačnici te korisnike pretvaraju u kupce.

Spremni smo raditi i male
i kompleksne web projekte.


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Spremni smo za vaš novi projekt!
A ponuda ne košta ništa!


  • 1. How does the website redesign process work?
    Your project will start off with Kick-Off meeting. This is where you meet your Account Manager, Content Director, and Designer(s). At this meeting, you’ll talk through the scope of work, goals, and have an in-depth design discussion. After the Kick-Off meeting your Designer will begin work - either a logo, mood board or homepage. From there, we will work through the design of the site before gathering content. Our Content Director will guide you through the content gathering process based off of your designs. Next, we’ll conduct an SEO Audit and go through the results with your team. After 80% of your content is gathered and designs are approved, we’ll begin development. Once your site is developed, we will train your team on how to update your new website! After you’ve been trained, we will set a launch window for your website. After launch, we’ll work with you to optimize your digital marketing strategy and grow your business.
  • 2. How much does a website cost?
    Throughout your relationship with your Digital Strategist, they are constantly gathering information about your project to provide the most accurate estimate for your project. The cost depends on the amount of time used to design and custom develop your project. We offer business-specific products to help keep the cost as minimal as possible, but custom design and/or development work is billed accordingly. We’re happy to figure out the best plan to make your website work for you!
  • 3. What will my website be built on?
    We build all of our websites on a Content Management System, also known as a CMS. This allows you to make updates to your site without having to know any sort of coding language. Depending on your business needs, we will make a recommendation for what will fit your needs best. Most of our clients tend to have websites built on FusionCMS because it’s a powerful yet extremely easy to use platform for our users. It ties in with many eCommerce systems as well to give you a full marketing platform. You can read more about it here.
  • 4. Do I have to be in Seattle to work with you?
    While we love working with local businesses, we actually work with businesses all over the country and are happy to accommodate. Our team is happy to hop on conference calls, video chats, and do screen shares throughout the process so that we can interface with your team the best we can.
  • 5. How soon can my website launch?
    Your launch date will depend on the complexity of your website. Our usual turnaround is between 3-6 months, depending on our client’s ability to provide feedback, content, and the overall complexity of the build. If you have a specific launch date in mind, your Account Manager will be happy to work with you in setting up a timeline to achieve it.
  • 6. Will my website be set-up for SEO?
    All of our sites are built with best practices and without bloated code, optimizing it for Search Engines. We also like to include SEO Audits in all of our website projects. An SEO Audit consists of looking at your current keywords, SEO, and PPC strategy and seeing where you can improve based on traffic and content quality. The audit provides a plethora of information as well as installation onto your website and recommendations for strategy moving forward.
  • 1. Will I have a main point of contact for my project?
    Every project is assigned an Account Manager. Account Managers are assigned based on both experience and bandwidth, making sure you are getting the best possible experience. While you’ll be working with Designers, our Content Director, Marketing Strategists, Developers, and maybe even more, your Account Manager will always be there to be your main point of contact. The Account Managers job is to act as a liaison between your team and ours while making sure communication of timeline, next steps, and more is clear. They are always happy to answer any questions you may have throughout the process.
  • 2. Can efelle creative provide graphics that are relevant to my business?
    Yes! efelle creative can use a combination of stock photography and images/graphics that relate to your business or industry to help create a professional design for your website. We’re also happy to provide creative direction and contact information for some amazing photographers.
  • 3. How will I know when “x” is due?
    At the start of your project, your Account Manager will create a timeline for your project based on your goal launch and create milestones for each item. As time progresses, they will send reminders to your team, as well as adjust the timeline as needed.
  • 4. Can someone help me write content?
    If you find yourself having difficulty writing your own content, we’re happy to put you in touch with a content strategist or copywriter. You can have someone help you for your entire site, or just a few pages - we’re happy to be flexible.
  • 5. Why do you require 80% of content before going into development?
    Your content is a crucial part of your site, so having it ready before development helps our team better optimize and build your site around the content that will be there. Content is often the biggest bottleneck, so we like to be proactive in getting a majority of the content in place before we begin the final steps in the process.
  • 6. My designs are approved, why don’t I have a demo site yet?
    Once your designs are approved, we wait for the 80% of the content (as we mentioned above) and then begin development. We have to begin building out the infrastructure first which is not necessarily visible. Similar to building a house, once you have approved designs, you must prepare the construction site, pour the foundation, and start framing the house. We do share a demo site once your website is almost finished so you can begin UA testing, training, and checking out your site.